Idiomas Past Continuous

Past Continuous

Idiomas Present Perfect Vs Present Parfect Continuous

Present Perfect Vs Present Prfect continuous

Simple Future (will), Going to, Present continuous, Present Simple


Rellena los espacios con la forma de futuro correspondiente>

Future in the Past



IdiomasFuture in the past

Future In The Past

1. I knew that you ________ the exam. You didn't study at all.

. were going to fail
. will fail
. was going to fail
2. He _______ marry her but she passed away.

. were going to
. was going to
. is going to
3. I _______ phone you but I forgot.

. were going to
. was going to
4. She said that she _______ work for me, but she found a different job.

. was going to
. were going to
. will fail
5. I thought the car __________ crash but it didn't.

. will
. was going to




IdiomasFuture Perfect

Future Perfect Vs Future Perfect Continuous

1. Sarah _______ (lose) 15 kilos by the time she finishes her diet.

. will have lost
. will lose
. will has lost
2. James _______ (work) for this company for over 30 years when he retires.

. will work
. will have been working
. will has been working
3. When you are 28, you _______ (finish) your studies at college.

. will have been finishing
. will not have finished
. will have finished
4. _____ you ______ (pass) all your exams by the end of the term?

. will ..... have been passing
. will ..... have passed
. will .... passing
5. By the end of this year, we _______ (live)in London for 15 years.

. will have been living
. will living
. will have living






IdiomasMucho y Poco

Mucho y Poco en Ingles

1. There is ______ room for your things. Don't worry.

. much
. little
. plenty of
2. There is _______ beer in the fridge. We need to buy some.

. much
. little
. many
3. He hasn't got _____ money. He's unemployed.

. little
. many
. much
4. There were _____ people at the concert last night.

. many
. much
. little
5. I have very _____ true friends.

. little
. few
. much
6. There is still _______ sugar in the cupboard. We can manage.

. a little
. many
. a few